We started our school year today. Maddy is a big First Grader this year! Our subjects are English, Math, Spelling, Handwriting, Science, and Heritage Studies..aka Social Studies. So far this morning has gone pretty well. I fully intended on getting up early and working out before starting school, but the beauty of homeschool is that if plans change, so be it, as long as we still get the work done! : ) Needless to say, I'll be working out this evening instead of this morning!
We started with Bible reading for about 30 minutes. We started in Genesis, and I hope to have the whole Bible read with her by the end of the school year. Then we went downstairs to the school room for the rest of the subjects. English, Handwriting, Spelling, and Math will take up the whole year. There are 54 Science lessons, so we're doing Science 3 days a week. There are 60 Heritage Studies lessons, but most require 2-4 days per lesson, so that will take up most of the school year, give or take about 20-30 days. Ryan will be doing music lessons with her on Thursday evenings. Our schedule is so jam packed in the evenings, that we don't have time to do music everyday, but she is such a fast learner that I think she'll pick it up in no time. Mondays she goes to gymnastics for an hour and a half, Tuesday nights are soccer practice nights for an hour, Wednesday is Church, and Ryan and I are teaching the first grade class, so that keeps up busy! Thursday is gymnastics again for an hour, so our free nights are Friday and Saturdays. Maddy also joined the Kid's Choir at Church so that will keep her busy on Sunday afternoons.
Well, I must go. Our lunch time has went a little past what it should. We're off to do a science experiement right in our front yard. Ahh..the beauty of homeschool! The world is our classroom!
AND she gets to be my flower girl!
That's right, Crystal! And a sweet one you've picked there! ; ) She is so excited!
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